Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ireland, thus far!

I know I can already go down in history as the worst blogger ever....seeing as I have been in Ireland for a whole week and have neglected to post a single thing. But hopefully after you read this post you will understand why it has been quite the eventful past few days, and practically anything outside of collapsing as soon as I came in from work was not on the agenda. However, as I am quickly getting more and more acclimated to living in this wonderful new place, I promise I will do better.

I mean, I could go into the chaotic details of my trip over here and what an utterly exhausting experience that was, but I feel like that journey has long since passed, and it's time to catch you all up on what's been happening in the present.
It really is an absolute understatement to say that I have already learned so many new things in my short time here....things about this magnificent city and country, of course, but a lot about my (slowly, but surely) metamorphosis into the "A- word" (or adulthood, as most people refer to it), and just many new things about me in general. As many challenges as I have been faced with this week, I couldn't help but notice how not only calm, but just determined I have been to figure things out for myself (more on this to come)....this is a new one for me, just because it has always been in my personality to lean on those I am closest to and be so keen to inquire about the the help/opinions of others. But I suppose having been sort of stripped of all my security blankets this week, (too be much too overly dramatic in saying so) I've sort of had this "do or die" mentality. With that being said, let me think back to what I can remember about this whirlwind of a week....

Last weekend is pretty much an absolute blur. Having been so delayed flying out of NY our plane arrived late into Dublin (not that I suppose it made much different), but to have gotten here and been so deliriously tired, was not the best way to start my trip (However, those of you who have ever traveled with me know what a HUGE accomplishment it was that I did not get out-of-my-mind sick on the plane ride over's the little things ya know, haha). Anyway, I don't believe my body has ever been that utterly drained in all my life, and as hard as I tried to get out and do things my first few days here, I just couldn't. I found myself so fatigued, and just thinking through the smallest of tasks made me indescribably tired and downright loopy. I always thought Jet Lag was sort of "it's all in your head" sort of thing, turns out that would be entirely false. It kicked my butt - majorly!

Anyway, so Monday rolled around and it was my first day at work! I can't really describe how many emotions I had rolling through me that day...excitement, nerves, and just the general anxiety of trying to "feel out" the unknown. Turns out, it was an awesome day! First let me say that I have the most beautiful walk through Sandymount (sort of the "Upper East side" of Dublin if you know what I's VERY residential, and super family-oriented, but to live here you have to be making bank like none other, so in that sense it's a great area! Lot's of parks, and kids everywhere, and it also doesn't hurt that the beach lies just at the end of my street!)...So anyway, back to work. My very first day was all too typical...meeting everyone, getting familiar with the office and such, and then something I absolutely was not expecting (though, I guess I should have been)...I got assigned a desk, and a computer, and clients (like, as in real people that were having me do their corporate work for them...WHAT???). That's right, (and to be more specific) I was assigned one of my company's biggest clients, Ulster Bank (think Bank of America, the Ireland edition), and their need for 9 (yes, 9!) commercials to be completely cut and edited by the following Thursday. So that's what I did, all week. I came early, and stayed late, working on these commercials, and ya know what? It was awesome! Though, I'm not even sure awesome is the right word, just inexplicably rewarding to be doing something of value and of worth...something that has a true means to an end I suppose. My boss and I worked tirelessly on these things, and come Friday, I was put on a train to Belfast (which is literally across the country) to go and present my work to them and return the same day (think about flying to NYC one morning, staying for three hours, and turning right back around and coming had that same sort of feel) and then have to come back in to work to finish out the day. Whew! Thank goodness that is done, now I get to go in tomorrow and do it all over again - Awesome!

But let's see...outside of work, what has happened?.....
   Like I mentioned before I am learning so many things, so perhaps it best if I just list them. Reflecting upon what all has happened seems so much easier that way...

*So my company, The Courtyard Studio, is the only production agency of it's kind in all of Ireland. They shoot/produce/edit commercials, television shows, and even have the first-obligation to produce any/all movies (and tv shows) in both Ireland and Scottland...that being said, my bosses (they are co-owners) have produced "Braveheart", "Saving Private Ryan", "Ella Enchanted", "The Tudors", and "Camelot" just to name a few.....let's not even get into how inadequate I feel watching them work

*Everyone is SO nice here, and jumps at the opportunity to help you...they just seem so intrigued any time I open my mouth to say something. Ironically, the only rude people I have come across were found in the tourism office....strange.

*Practically all of the websites that I am such a huge fan of will not work in Ireland due to copyright issues...that's right, no HULU for me (I had to rent the season finale of "GLEE" on iTunes", and even "Google" is called "Google Ireland" and just doesn't seem to be effective as it is at home.

*I know this is a blanket statement (but it's true), the Irish are OBSESSED with America...I mean absolutely everything. You can't turn on the radio here (which is still preferred over tv, who would'a thought?) and not hear about something going on in "The States"...any and everything from political matters, to celebrity gossip, even historical matters that you would think they wouldn't possibly care about, the Irish just can't get enough of it. Speaking of such, Pres. Obama was here the first Monday I was and they had to shut the entire city down....people were crying listening to his speech....very strange indeed. Not only that, I can't help but notice a sense of jealously, envy really (just from the people I have talked with) about how they wish they lived under the same type of rule as we do in about a real eye-opener. What's so strange is that they seem to have no sense of what numerous problems we do have in America....and I just have to wonder why this is

*I suppose along with the previous statement it seems somewhat obvious, but Ireland, Dublin specifically is extremely liberal, and as such everything (media, newspapers, ect.) is as "politically correct" as any country could ever possibly hope to be. I mean this of course in terms of homosexuality mostly. And along with that I have seen more homosexual couples here than I have in my entire life. Not that I wish to get into that argument, seeing as I'm not quite sure how I feel about the whole issue myself, but what I have observed is that homosexuality here is something all-together different than what I associate it with in America...."couples" here tend to be older, are established, raise families, and are completely accepted members of society. Needless to say, this is one area where the Irish think America is entirely nuts for not allowing such a thing.

*So I kind of imagined such would be the case before I got here, but "church" just doesn't seem to be in the context of most people's way of thinking here. But I mean, if you think about it, Ireland is a country that has been so torn apart...literally (Northern Ireland is it's own country and belongs to the UK, while the Republic of Ireland is considered part of Europe) over the sentiments of religion, that many people have mixed feelings about the church's place in modern Irish society, and with that there really aren't that many churches outside of Catholic ones, though there are some that I would foster a guess at leaning more towards Episcopalian....and as such, I find myself listening to ISBC's live sermon each Sunday, though streaming anything over the internet here is a ginormous pain.

* Street pigeons, you know the disgusting ones you find in larger cities in America, well imagine those birds on body-builder steroids and that is what the pigeons here look like....they are practically chicken size and just as disgusting.

*I have gotten lost more times than I care to count. Something I suppose I was not expecting is the fact that roads here really don't make any sort of sense, because there aren't really "stopping points", they all just sort of curve into one another or randomly are called another name, not to mention once the Irish find a name they like for a road, they decide to name 5 other roads the exact same thing.....I know my way around pretty well at this point, but I never leave the house without my map...for what little good it does me.

*I find myself missing my family, friends, and Austin more and more each day. It's not so much an unbearable longing, just more of an awareness of their absence from my day-to-day life. I absolutely do not know what I would do without Skype, because I'm not entirely sure I would have been able to stay as positive as I have without their sweet encouragement and praises from day to day. I suppose sometimes it takes traveling half way around the world to realize just how many blessings are right there at home waiting for you.

*And lastly here are some quite humorous names for things, that are slowly but surely sinking into my vocabulary of "things to know":
Saran (or plastic) wrap = Cling Film
Holidays = Hols
College = High School
Dart = Subway/Train System
Um, "private parts" = Bits (hahaha, it still makes me laugh, but the story behind this will have to come later)
"Cool" (in an affirming sense) = Brilliant
   ...and there are tons of others that I can't think of right now

There is much, much more to come, I promise, and indeed I will do my best to be a better "blogger". I have booked two trips for the upcoming holiday weekend next week to both Cork and the Cliffs of Moher, both of which are said to be two of the most beautiful places in all of Europe, so stay tuned to see how this week goes. God is continually showing me so many new things, and to think of where I find myself now, I am simply in awe of his goodness.

Lastly, here are a few pictures I've taken so far (I don't have very many just because I'm at work throughout the week, so the weekends are my only time to explore), but enjoy nonetheless :)

Peace & Blessings,

On the train ride to Belfast

Belfast - I'm thinking I am going to go back one weekend. It was just such a beautiful city.

On the train ride home from Belfast...Probably my favorite picture I've taken so far

And if you walk to the end of my street....

Beachfront property, anyone?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'll Be Seeing You...

   So yesterday was not the say the least. But as much as I hate it, Austin and I leaving each other has almost become second-nature, and wallowing in sorrow after the fact just doesn't seem to be worth the heart ache. And after all, with us there really are no "goodbyes" only "Until next time" and "I'll be seeing you". As hard as it may be, life goes on, and with my trip quickly approaching, so must I. There is so much to do, and so little time....and with that, packing has since commenced. 
   Initially I did not believe that packing for this trip would be much different from any other international trip I've taken over the past few years...and as usual, I was terribly wrong. Since part of my trip will consist of a professional internship, part as an everyday student, and part as European explorer, trying to plan out appropriate attire is proving rather challenging. Aside from that, the all-too-common pre-travel panic set in today. Not so much worrying about the trip, just trying to tie up every loose end imaginable before I set out in two days, as well as trying to convince my family that I WILL NOT die while I'm overseas....I only wish I were joking. 
   Anyway, flying around like a crazy person today really made me miss Aust...alot. He's always so good in those situations to keep me calm and not completely lose my mind in the midst of my (ever-so-wonderful-and-incredible) family's overly dramatic ways (again, I really wish I were joking). 
    Since tomorrow is my last day at home, this may be my final post until I find myself in a new country....let's hope me and my luggage all get there in one piece, shall we? In the mean time, I'll leave you with some pics of my slow-but-sure packing progress.

I LOVE ZIPLOC BAGS!!!!....I never have really bothered with "cometic bags". These are cheaper, and I can see absolutely everything before I start digging and creating a total mess of things, which is obviously the tendency. I am always in favor of plastic-chic!

So I NEEDED them...every single one. Or at least that's what I told myself in the midst of purchasing them. Yes, yes, I know there are all extremely similar, but well what's a girl to do when she needs a specific shade? I LOVE SANDELS!

This is all for now. I hope to squeeze one last post in tomorrow night, but we shall see. Until next time, "I'll Be Seeing You"

Amanda Joy

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Introduction...

       Well, I suppose it was bound to happen. One way or another I always swear up and down I will not succumb to the latest trend sweeping the social media circuit, but alas, here I am. Several of my close friends have encouraged me to start one of these for quite some time, but self-admittedly I just do not see myself as your typical "Blogger".....First of all, I in no way find myself inspirational, nor do I have any sort of savvy forward-thinking advice to offer...I don't even have a rallying cause/point-of-view worth your concern. I do however, like everyone else, have a story to tell. And well, seeing as I have always had a heart for others' stories, I decided to take this opportunity to share my own.
      So needless to say, as you've probably picked up on already, I will find myself traveling abroad this summer - First to Dublin, Ireland for a truly incredible internship opportunity with the Courtyard Studio Production Company which specializes in the production of corporate commercials for not only Microsoft, but the drug company Pfizer, as well as numerous other UK mega-corporations....they even produce a little show on the STARZ network called "Camelot"....I hear it's kind of a big deal, but outside of GLEE and "Grey's" this chick isn't so in tune with the vast array of TV shows out there. Regardless, trip #2 is set to happen in early July when I will leave Ireland to join my school group in London to begin classes at Kings College studying British Media as well as the personal lives of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, as well as travel across the UK and into Europe seeing what this fascinating part of the world has to offer. No big deal, right?....geez, just describing it makes me that much more excited!
     Anyway, however your want to package it (Study Abroad, Internship, or even a "fixed" vacation) this trip is certain to prove itself nothing short of incredible in every sense of the word. So I suppose with all of that background it would probably be best if I introduced all of you to a few things you will probably want to be "clued" into in order for all of my ramblings over the next few months to make any sort of sense. So ready? Here we go :)

1. AJ = Amanda Joy. Other than the fact that even as a small child I despised the name "Amanda" (I still remember begging my parents to change it to "Amy" as a preschooler....that's a whole different story), I really have no idea why this nickname came about nor when it really started to stick, but what I do know is that I never have been an "Amanda"....AJ is just, well, it's me :)

2. My Passions: Living a Christ-Centered Life, Becoming all that God wants me to be, Learning from my faults, Loving Wide-Open, and being the best Friend, Daughter, Sister, and Girlfriend I possibly can be....anything outside that well, I just try to be at peace with what is and isn't in my capability to change and respond accordingly.

3. I am in a constant state of growth and learning, and I suppose it's pretty much been that way since I started college. I never really have been one to be stagnant in anything I do, and well, as hard as I've tried, sitting on the sidelines has never really been how I play the game. Don't get me wrong, being born with a heart for service, adventure, and seeking out all that this life has thrown my way has been a blessing in so many ways, but it has also come with it's name a few, I often spread myself too thin, am always seeking the approval of others, and even I can be a little flighty at times, not to mention the times where God has called me to be still and wait on Him have proved rather disastrous  on my part.....all of these things you will come to observe.

4. Austin. I wish there was a better way to describe us, but there just isn't. I suppose ever since we started dating in high school under unorthodox pretenses (he having just dated/broke up with one of my very best friends...not to mention that I was a Senior, He was a Sophomore...I did marching band, He was the infamous "Kicker" and soccer star....I went off to college, while he stayed home.....the list goes on and on), nothing about our relationship was ever meant to make any sort of sense. But ever since Dec. 15, 2007 we have been content to deal with the chaos of "us", and after 3 and 1/2 years of on and off long-distance, here we are. Sure, not everything has been perfect, and just having relished (myself, celebrating!) in the closure of this past, extremely trying year for us both in which we broke up for 6 months, we are so on fire for one another and I could not count myself more blessed.....seeing God's grace and promises come to fruition in the midst of that hurt has been truly incredible. Anyway, to say that he is my very best friend is truly an one can make me think, pray, laugh, or love the way he can. As cheesy as it may be, he encourages me, he protects me, and he pushes me to never let my own self get in the way of what God has in store for my life. Yeah, best friend, just doesn't really seem to encompass it.

5. I am SO extremely excited, nervous, anxious, sick-to-my-stomach, crazy in love with all that this summer has to offer. I don't really know if other people try to find ways in which Sunday-morning sermons are applicable to their lives, but for myself something that has pretty much been the over-arching theme of my life for the past few years is the fact that the greatest blessings are the result of the most tremendous sacrifices. So yes, as excited as I am, it is not without recognition of what is on the line.....time spent with my family, yet another summer job to save money for the future, precious, precious time with Aust before school in the Fall....all of these things and a whole lot more are the humbling forces keeping me grounded in the reality that this trip is not simply that. It is a sacrifice. But how encouraging is it to know, that if it were not for my Savior there would not be a blessing to follow :)

    Okay, so I suppose that's basically me in a nutshell. I mean, I only have about a million other quirks that I could write about, but for now this seems sufficient, and hey, you are probably going to get to know me pretty well by summer's end anyway, right?
        On a bit of a sad note, today marks Austin and I's last day together until August. Though I am leaving this Friday for Dublin, my amazing guy is leaving Tuesday for Chinendega, Nicaragua to serve as an Intern for Crosspoint Ministries at the Missions house they have stationed there. It's definitely bitter-sweet because on one hand I just cannot help but be so incredibly proud of him. I mean, how lucky am I to have such a wonderful man not only in love with me, but in love with the Lord as well and be willing to serve Him in such an inspiring way, however my selfishness wants him with me as I always do. Having been in a relationship in which our days apart far out-weigh our days together, has put us both in the situation of constantly yearning for the other's time. Sure, we have been doing long-distance for several years now, but this is different, much different, and going such a substantial amount of time without contact is far too unbearable to think about for now. Regardless, no matter how many times we find ourselves in this position, God always seems to supply us both with an inner peace....but for now, sadness it is. 

    Until my next writing....
                                         Philippians 1:27-30
